Sometimes, it’s easier to understand a tool’s capabilities by comparing it to other tools in the same ecosystem. In this section, we’ll discuss how Keep interacts with and compares to other tools in the ecosystem.

Keep vs Alerta

alerta monitoring system is a tool used to consolidate and de-duplicate alerts from multiple sources for quick ‘at-a-glance’ visualisation. With just one system you can monitor alerts from many other monitoring tools on a single screen (alerta docs).

Aggregation and correlation
Integrations✅ (Both manually and automatically with Webhooks Integration)✅ (Manually)
Alerts enrichment
Open source
Workflow automation
Managed version
CI/CD integration
Noise reduction

Keep vs Grafana

Using Grafana Alerting, you create queries and expressions from multiple data sources — no matter where your data is stored — giving you the flexibility to combine your data and alert on your metrics and logs in new and unique ways. You can then create, manage, and take action on your alerts from a single, consolidated view, and improve your team’s ability to identify and resolve issues quickly. (Grafana docs).

Aggregation and correlation of alerts
Integrations✅ (Both manually and automatically with Webhooks Integration)✅ (Manually)
Alerts enrichment
Open source
Workflow automation
Managed version
CI/CD integration⚠️ has terraform integration
Noise reduction

Keep vs incident management tools (PagerDuty, OpsGenie, etc)

Most incident management tools offer features like alert aggregation and workflow automation. However, their core value is the incident management itself, which Keep aims to prevent. Keep focuses only on the alert lifecycle.