Linked Providers
Understanding linked vs connected providers in Keep
Linked Providers
In Keep, providers can be either “connected” or “linked”. Understanding the difference is important for proper alert routing and management.
Connected vs Linked Providers
Connected Providers: These are providers that have been explicitly configured in Keep through the UI or API. They have full provider configuration and authentication details.
Linked Providers: These are providers that send alerts to Keep without being explicitly connected. They appear automatically when Keep receives alerts from them through webhooks or push mechanisms.
How Linking Works
When Keep receives alerts from an unconnected provider (like Prometheus pushing alerts), it automatically creates a “linked” provider entry. This allows you to:
- Track which systems are sending alerts
- See when the last alert was received
- Apply deduplication rules specific to that provider
Attaching Alerts to Connected Providers
If you have a connected provider and want incoming alerts to be associated with it instead of creating a linked provider, you can add the provider_id
query parameter to the webhook URL.
For example, with Prometheus AlertManager:
Best Practices
For Production Systems: It’s recommended to use connected providers when possible, as they provide:
- Better authentication and security
- Access to provider-specific features
- Clearer audit trail
For Testing/Development: Linked providers can be useful for:
- Quick prototyping
- Testing alert flows
- Temporary integrations
Converting Linked to Connected: If you find yourself regularly receiving alerts from a linked provider, consider:
- Setting up a proper provider connection
- Using the provider_id parameter to attach alerts to the connected provider
Linked providers:
- Cannot be used to pull alerts or data
- Don’t have authentication details
- Cannot be used for provider-specific actions
- May have limited deduplication capabilities
For full functionality, consider converting linked providers to connected providers when they become part of your permanent alerting infrastructure.