Run the alert.


Usage: keep run [OPTIONS]


  • alerts_directory:

    • Type: STRING
    • Default: none
    • Usage: --alerts-directory --alerts-file -af

    The path to the alert yaml/alerts directory

  • alert_url:

    • Type: STRING
    • Default: none
    • Usage: --alert-url -au

    A url that can be used to download an alert yaml NOTE: This argument is mutually exclusive with alerts_directory

  • interval:

    • Type: INT
    • Default: 0
    • Usage: --interval -i

    When interval is set, Keep will run the alert every INTERVAL seconds

  • providers_file:

    • Type: STRING
    • Default: providers.yaml
    • Usage: --providers-file -p

    The path to the providers yaml

  • tenant_id:

    • Type: STRING
    • Default: singletenant
    • Usage: --tenant-id -t

    The tenant id

  • api_key:

    • Type: STRING
    • Default: none
    • Usage: --api-key

    The API key for keep’s API

  • api_url:

    • Type: STRING
    • Default:
    • Usage: --api-url

    The URL for keep’s API

  • help:

    • Type: BOOL
    • Default: false
    • Usage: --help

    Show this message and exit.

CLI Help

Usage: keep run [OPTIONS]

  Run the alert.

  -af, --alerts-directory, --alerts-file PATH
                                  The path to the alert yaml/alerts directory
  -au, --alert-url TEXT           A url that can be used to download an alert
                                  yaml NOTE: This argument is mutually
                                  exclusive with alerts_directory

  -i, --interval INTEGER          When interval is set, Keep will run the
                                  alert every INTERVAL seconds

  -p, --providers-file PATH       The path to the providers yaml
  -t, --tenant-id TEXT            The tenant id
  --api-key TEXT                  The API key for keep's API
  --api-url TEXT                  The URL for keep's API
  --help                          Show this message and exit.