Spin up Keep with docker-compose latest images

The easiest way to start keep is is with docker-compose:

curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/keephq/keep/main/start.sh | sh
# Keep install script for docker compose

echo "Creating state directory."
mkdir -p state
test -e state
echo "Changing directory ownership to non-privileged user."
chown -R 999:999 state || echo "Unable to change directory ownership, changing permissions instead." && chmod -R 0777 state
which curl &> /dev/null || echo "curl not installed"
curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/keephq/keep/main/docker-compose.yml --output docker-compose.yml
curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/keephq/keep/main/docker-compose.common.yml --output docker-compose.common.yml

docker compose up -d

The docker-compose.yml contains 3 services:

Reinstall Keep with the option to refresh from scratch

Caution: This usage context will refresh from the beginning and Keep’s data and settings will be erased. Even other containers on this host are also erased. So please consider when using the steps below.

For cases where you need to test many different options or simply want to reinstall Keep from scratch using docker compose without spending a lot of time, that is, without repeating the steps of installing docker, downloading the installer.. .. run the commands according to the previous instructions.

Follow these steps

Step1: Stop, Clear container, network, volume, image.

In the directory containing the docker compose file you downloaded, say /root/

docker-compose down

docker-compose down --rmi all

docker-compose down -v

docker system prune -a --volumes

Step2: Clear Config db, config file in state folder.

rm -rf state/*

Step 3: Run again

docker compose up -d