Create a extraction rule.


Usage: keep extraction create [OPTIONS]


  • name

    • Type: STRING
    • Default: “
    • Usage: --name <extraction-name>

    The name of the extraction.

  • description

    • Type: STRING
    • Default: “
    • Usage: --description <extraction-description>

    The description of the extraction.

  • priority

    • Default: 0
    • Usage: --priority <priority>

    The priority of the extraction, higher priority means this rule will execute first. 0<=x<=100.

  • pre

    • Type: BOOL
    • Default: false
    • Usage: --pre <pre>

    Whether this rule should be applied before or after the alert is standardized

  • attribute

    • Type: STRING
    • Default: “
    • Usage: --attribute <extraction-attribute>

    Event attribute name to extract from.

  • regex

    • Type: STRING
    • Default: “
    • Usage: --attribute <regex-regex>

    The regex rule to extract by. Regex format should be like python regex pattern for group matching.

  • condition

    • Type: STRING
    • Default: “
    • Usage: --condition <condition-attribute>

    CEL based condition.

  • help:

    • Type: BOOL
    • Default: false
    • Usage: --help

    Show this message and exit.

CLI Help

Usage: extraction create [OPTIONS]

  Create a extraction rule.

  -n, --name TEXT               The name of the extraction.  [required]
  -d, --description TEXT        The description of the extraction.
  -p, --priority INTEGER RANGE  The priority of the extraction, higher
                                priority means this rule will execute first.
  --pre BOOLEAN                 Whether this rule should be applied before or
                                after the alert is standardized.
  -a, --attribute TEXT          Event attribute name to extract from.
  -r, --regex TEXT              The regex rule to extract by. Regex format
                                should be like python regex pattern for group
                                matching.  [required]
  -c, --condition TEXT          CEL based condition.  [required]
  --help                        Show this message and exit.