The recommended way to install Keep on Kubernetes is via Helm Chart.
Follow these steps to set it up.
Helm CLI
See the Helm documentation for instructions about installing helm.
Ingress Controller (Optional)
You can skip this step if:
- You already have ingress-nginx installed.
- You don’t need to expose Keep to the internet/network.
An ingress controller is essential for managing external access to services in your Kubernetes cluster. It acts as a smart router and load balancer, allowing you to expose multiple services through a single entry point while handling SSL termination and routing rules.
Keep works best with both ingress-nginx and HAProxy Ingress controllers, but you can customize the helm chart for other ingress controllers too.
Nginx Ingress Controller
Check ingress-nginx Installed
You check if you already have ingress-nginx installed:
Install ingress-nginx
To read about more installation options, see ingress-nginx installation docs.
Since ingress-nginx 4.12, you’ll need to add
Verify installation:
Verify if snippet annotations are enabled:
HAProxy Ingress Controller
Install ingress-haproxy
To read about more installation options, see haproxy-ingress installation docs.
Verify installation:
Verify if controller is running:
With Ingress-NGINX (Recommended)
With Ingress-HAProxy (Recommended)
Without Ingress (Not Recommended)
Accessing Keep
If you installed Keep with ingress, you should be able to access Keep.
Keep is available at http://X.X.X.X :)
Without Ingress (Port-Forwarding)
Use the following commands to access Keep locally without ingress:
Keep is available at http://localhost:3000 :)
Configuring HTTPS
- Domain Name: Example -
- TLS Certificate: Private key (tls.key) and certificate (tls.crt)
Create the TLS Secret
contains the certificate.tls.key
contains the private key.
Update Helm Values for TLS
Alternatively, update your values.yaml
To remove Keep and clean up: