
The AmazonSQS Provider facilitates Consuming SQS messages as alerts Notifying/Pushing messages to SQS Queue

Authentication Parameters

  • Access Key Id (required): Access Key ID generated from your IAM.
  • Secret Access Key (required): The secret corresponding to the above key-id.
  • Region Name (required): The region of your data center eg. us-east-1, ap-sout-1, etc.
  • SQS Queue URL (required): The url for the SQS Queue.


  • authenticated: Mandatory for all operations, ensures the user is authenticated.
  • sqs::read: Mandatory for getting alerts, ensures user can read from the Queue.
  • sqs::write: Mandatory only for Notifying/Pushing messages to queue, ensures user can write to Queue.

If you only want to give read scope to your key-secret pair the permission policy: AmazonSQSReadOnlyAccess If you only want to give read & write scope to your key-secret pair the permission policy: AmazonSQSFullAccess Both are the policies are prebuilt in AWS.

Inputs for AmazonSQS Action

  • message: str: Body/Message for the notification
  • group_id: str | None: Mandatory only if Queue is of type FIFO, ignored incase of a normal Queue.
  • dedup_id: str | None: Mandatory only if Queue is of type FIFO, ignored incase of a normal Queue.
  • **kwargs: dict | None: You can pass additional key-value pairs, that will be sent as MessageAttributes in the notification.

Output for AmazonSQS Action

For more detail, visit sqs-documentation.

     'MD5OfMessageBody': 'string',
     'MD5OfMessageAttributes': 'string',
     'MD5OfMessageSystemAttributes': 'string',
     'MessageId': 'string',
     'SequenceNumber': 'string'
  • When using the AmazonSQS action, if your queue is fifo, then it is mandatory to pass a dedup_id & group_id.
  • All the extra fields present in the MessageAttribute is stored in alert.label as a key-value pair dictionary.
  • You can pass these attributes in the SQS Queue message and keep will extract and use these field for the alert
    • name
    • status: Possible values ‘firing’ | ‘resolved’ | ‘acknowledged’ | ‘suppressed’ | ‘pending’ defaults to ‘firing’.
    • severity: Possible values ‘critical’ | ‘high’ | ‘warning’ | ‘info’ | ‘low’ defaults to ‘high’
    • description

Permissions needed for the key-id pair are:

  1. AmazonSQSFullAccess: If you want to notify + receive, this is sqs::read + sqs::write scope.
  2. AmazonSQSReadOnlyAccess: If you want to just receive, this is the sqs::read scope.

You can find these under: IAM > Users > [YOUR_USER] > Permission > Add Permissions > Add Permissions > Attach policies directly > Search for SQS.

To create key-id pair, follow this:

  1. Search IAM in AWS console, press enter.
  2. Go to users
  3. Select the user that you want to
  4. Click on Create access key
  5. Select Third party service, Click Next
  6. Add Description Tag click Next
  7. Copy/Download the key-id pair.