
Cilium provider is in Beta and is not working with authentication yet.

The current way to pull topology data from your kubernetes cluster, is to run:

# hubble-relay usually installed at kube-system, but it depends on your cluster.
kubectl port-forward -n kube-system svc/hubble-relay 4245:80

and then use localhost:4245 to pull topology data.

If you need help with connecting Cilium provider, reach out.

The Cilium provider leverages Hubble’s network flow data to automatically discover service dependencies and build a topology map of your Kubernetes applications.

Authentication Parameters

cilium_base_endpointThe base endpoint of the Cilium Hubble relaylocalhost:4245


The provider returns topology information including:

  • Service names and their dependencies
  • Namespace information
  • Pod labels and cluster metadata
  • Network-based relationships between services

Service Discovery Logic

The provider identifies services using the following hierarchy:

  1. Workload name (if available)
  2. Kubernetes labels (k8s:app= or k8s:app.kubernetes.io/name=)
  3. Pod name (stripped of deployment suffixes)


  • A running Kubernetes cluster with Cilium installed
  • Hubble enabled and accessible via gRPC
  • Network visibility (flow logs) enabled in Cilium


  • Only captures active network flows between pods
  • Service discovery is limited to pods with proper Kubernetes labels
  • Requires direct access to the Hubble relay endpoint