
This provider requires authentication.

  • access_token: Ntfy Access Token (required: False, sensitive: True)
  • host: Ntfy Host URL (For self-hosted Ntfy only) (required: False, sensitive: False)
  • username: Ntfy Username (For self-hosted Ntfy only) (required: False, sensitive: False)
  • password: Ntfy Password (For self-hosted Ntfy only) (required: False, sensitive: True)

In workflows

This provider can be used in workflows.

As “action” to make changes or update data, example:

    - name: Query ntfy
      provider: ntfy
      config: "{{ provider.my_provider_name }}"
        message: {value}  
        topic: {value}  

Check the following workflow examples:

Connecting with the Provider

Obtain Ntfy Access Token (For only)

  1. Create an account on
  2. After logging in, go to the Access token page.
  3. Click on the CREATE ACCESS TOKEN. Give it a label and select token expiration time and click on the CREATE TOKEN button.
  4. Copy the generated token. This will be used as the Ntfy Access Token in the provider settings.

Self-Hosted Ntfy

  1. To self-host Ntfy, you can follow the instructions here.
  2. For self-hosted Ntfy, you will need to provide the Ntfy Host URL, Ntfy Username, and Ntfy Password in the provider settings instead of the Ntfy Access Token.
  3. Create a new user for the self-hosted Ntfy instance and use the generated username and password in the provider settings.

Subscribing to a Topic (For and self-hosted Ntfy)

  1. Login to your account.
  2. Click on Subscribe to a topic button and generate name for the topic and subscribe to it.
  3. Copy the generated topic name. This will be used as the Ntfy Subcription Topic in the provider settings.
  4. Reserve the topic and confiure access (Requires ntfy Pro)