
  • command_type (required): The command type to operate on the k8s cluster:
    • get_pods: List all pods across namespaces or in a specific namespace
    • get_pvc: List all persistent volume claims
    • get_node_pressure: Get node pressure metrics
    • get_deployment: Get deployment information
    • scale_deployment: Scale a deployment’s replicas
    • exec_command: Execute a command in a pod
    • restart_pod: Restart a specific pod
    • get_pod_logs: Get logs from a pod

Command-specific Parameters

For get_pods, get_pvc

  • namespace (optional): Target specific namespace. If not provided, queries all namespaces

For get_deployment, scale_deployment

  • namespace (optional): Target namespace (defaults to “default”)
  • deployment_name (required): Name of the deployment
  • replicas (required for scale_deployment): Number of desired replicas

For exec_command

  • namespace (required): Pod’s namespace
  • pod_name (required): Name of the pod
  • command (required): Command to execute (string or array)
  • container (optional): Container name (defaults to first container)
  • use_shell (optional): Whether to wrap command in shell (defaults to true)

For restart_pod

  • namespace (required): Pod’s namespace
  • pod_name (required): Name of the pod

For get_pod_logs

  • namespace (required): Pod’s namespace
  • pod_name (required): Name of the pod
  • container (optional): Container name (defaults to first container)
  • tail_lines (optional): Number of lines to get from the end (defaults to 100)


The Amazon EKS Provider supports the query function with different outputs based on command type:

  • get_pods: Returns list of pod details
  • get_pvc: Returns list of PVC details
  • get_node_pressure: Returns node pressure metrics
  • get_deployment: Returns deployment details
  • scale_deployment: Returns scaling operation result
  • exec_command: Returns command output as string
  • restart_pod: Returns restart operation status
  • get_pod_logs: Returns pod logs as string

Authentication Parameters

The Amazon EKS Provider uses AWS credentials to allow you to query your cluster resources. You need to provide the following authentication parameters:

  • access_key (required): AWS access key ID with EKS permissions
  • secret_access_key (required): AWS secret access key
  • region (required): AWS region where the EKS cluster is located (e.g., us-east-1)
  • cluster_name (required): The name of your EKS cluster

Connecting with the Provider

To connect to Amazon EKS, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your AWS Console

  2. Create an IAM user with EKS permissions:

    aws iam create-user --user-name eks-user

3. Attach required policies:

aws iam attach-user-policy --user-name eks-user --policy-arn arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonEKSClusterPolicy
aws iam attach-user-policy --user-name eks-user --policy-arn arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonEKSServicePolicy
  1. Create access keys
aws iam create-access-key --user-name eks-user

You should get:

  "AccessKey": {
    "SecretAccessKey": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
    "Status": "Active"

The AccessKeyId is your access_key and SecretAccessKey is your secret_access_key.

  1. Note your cluster name and region from the EKS console or using:
aws eks list-clusters --region <your-region>

Required Permissions

The AWS IAM user needs these permissions:

  1. eks:DescribeCluster
  2. eks:ListClusters

Additional permissions for specific operations:

  1. eks:AccessKubernetesApi for pod/deployment operations
  2. eks:UpdateCluster for scaling operations
CommandAWS IAM Permissions

Usage Examples

  1. Basic -
  2. Advanced -