
The notify method of the Flashduty Provider takes the following inputs:

  • title (str): The title of Flashduty incident
  • event_status (str): The status of the incident, one of: Info, Warning, Critical, Ok
  • description (str): The description of Flashduty incident
  • alert_key (str): Alert identifier, used to update or automatically recover existing alerts. If you’re reporting a recovery event, this value must exist
  • labels (dict): The labels of Flashduty incident



Integration Key Generation

The Flashduty gets integration key as an authentication method

1.Enter the Flashduty console, select Integration Center => Alert Events to enter the integration selection page

2.Select Keep integration 3.Define a name for the current integration 4.Configure default routing and select the corresponding channel 5.Copy the integration Key to Keep 6.Complete the integration configuration