
  • query: str: The query string to search within Datadog metrics and logs.
  • time_range: dict = None: The time range for the query (e.g., {'from': 'now-15m', 'to': 'now'})
  • source: str = None: The source type (metrics, traces, logs).


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Authentication Parameters

The api_key and app_key are required for connecting to the Datadog provider. You can obtain them as described in the “Connecting with the Provider” section.

Connecting with the Provider


To obtain the Datadog API key, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your Datadog account.
  2. Navigate to the “Integrations” section.
  3. Click on the “API” tab.
  4. Generate a new API Key.

App Key

To obtain the Datadog App Key, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your Datadog account.
  2. Navigate to the “Integrations” section.
  3. Click on the “API” tab.
  4. Generate a new App Key or use an existing one.


Fingerprints in Datadog are calculated based on the groups and monitor_id fields of an incoming/pulled event.


Certain scopes may be required to perform specific actions or queries via the Datadog Provider. Below is a summary of relevant scopes and their use cases:

  • monitors_read (Monitors Read) Required: True Description: View monitors.
  • monitors_write (Monitors Write) Required: False Description: Write monitors. (*Required for auto-webhook integration)
  • create_webhooks (Integrations Manage) Required: False Description: Create webhooks integrations. (*Required for auto-webhook integration)
  • metrics_read Required: False Description: View metrics.


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Webhook Integration Modifications

The webhook integration adds Keep as a monitor within Datadog. It can be found under the “Monitors” section. The integration automatically gains access to the following scopes within Datadog:

  • monitors_read
  • monitors_write
  • create_webhooks