Please note that we currently only support Zabbix of version 6 and above (6.0^)

Authentication Parameters

The zabbix_frontend_url and auth_token are required for connecting to the Zabbix provider. You can obtain them as described in the “Connecting with the Provider” section.

Connecting with the Provider


To obtain Zabbix authentication token, follow the following steps, divided in to 3 categories (Docs):

First, login in to your Zabbix account (the provided zabbix_frontend_url) with a privileged user.

Create a User Role

  1. Navigate to Users -> User Roles section.
  2. In the top right corner of the screen, click Create user role
  3. Give the role an indicative name (e.g. Keep Role)
  4. In the User type selectbox, select Super Admin
  • This is because some of the scopes we need are available to Super Admin user type only. See here
  1. Remove all the checkboxes from everything, except 1 random Access to UI elemets which is required for any role.
  2. In the API methods section, select Allow list and fill in the scopes as mentioned below, in the Scopes section.

Create a user

  1. Navigate to Users -> Users section.
  2. Follow the instructions to add a new user. Give it an indicative username (e.g. KeepUser)
  3. In the Permissions tab, select the Role you have just created.
  4. Click Add

Create API token

  1. Navigate to Users -> API tokens section.
  2. In the top right corner of the screen, click Create API token
  3. Give the API token an indicative name (e.g. Keep Token)
  4. Select the user you have just created
  5. Unselect the Set expiration date and time checkbox and click Add
  6. Copy the generated API token and keep it for further use in Keep.


Certain scopes may be required to perform specific actions or queries via Zabbix Provider. Below is a summary of relevant scopes and their use cases:

  • problem.get | Required: True | Description: The method allows to retrieve problems.
  • mediatype.get | Required: False | Required for Webhook: True | Description: The method allows to retrieve media types.
  • mediatype.update | Required: False | Required for Webhook: True | Description: This method allows to update existing media types.
  • mediatype.create | Required: False | Required for Webhook: True | Description: This method allows to create new media types.
  • user.get | Required: False | Required for Webhook: True | Description: The method allows to retrieve users.
  • user.update | Required: False | Required for Webhook: True | Description: This method allows to update existing users.


When installing Zabbix webhook, Keep automatically adds a new media type of type Keep to your media types.

After the new media type is added, Keep automatically adds this mediatype as a media to all existing users, in order to get all alerts incoming from Zabbix.

Webhook Integration Modifications

The automatic webhook integration grants Keep access to the following scopes within the Zabbix instance:

  • mediatype.get
  • mediatype.update
  • mediatype.create
  • user.get
  • user.update

You can view the webhook settings under Alerts > Media Types