Grafana currently supports pulling/pushing alerts & Topology Map. We will add querying and notifying soon.


This provider requires authentication.

  • token: Token (required: True, sensitive: True)
  • host: Grafana host (required: True, sensitive: False)
  • datasource_uid: Datasource UID (required: False, sensitive: False)

In workflows

This provider can’t be used as a “step” or “action” in workflows. If you want to use it, please let us know by creating an issue in the GitHub repository.

Check the following workflow examples:

Legacy vs Unified Alerting

Keep supports both Grafana’s legacy alerting system and the newer Unified Alerting system. Here are the key differences:

Legacy Alerting

  • Uses notification channels for alert delivery
  • Configured at the dashboard level
  • Uses a different API endpoint (/api/alerts and /api/alert-notifications)
  • Simpler setup but fewer features
  • Alerts are tightly coupled with dashboard panels

Unified Alerting (Default from Grafana 9.0)

  • Uses alert rules and contact points
  • Configured centrally in the Alerting section
  • Uses the newer /api/v1/alerts endpoint
  • More powerful features including label-based routing
  • Supports multiple data sources in a single alert rule

If you’re using Grafana 8.x or earlier, or have explicitly enabled legacy alerting in newer versions, make sure to configure Keep accordingly using the legacy alerting configuration.

Connecting with the Provider

To connect to Grafana, you need to create an API Token:

  1. Log in to your Grafana account.
  2. Go to the Service Accounts page (cmd+k -> service).
  3. Click the Add service account button and provide a name for your service account.
  4. Grant “alerting” permissions:
  1. Now generate Service Account Token:
  1. Use the token value in the authentication section in the Grafana Provider configuration.

Post Installation Validation

You can check that the Grafana Provider works by testing Keep’s contact point (which was installed via the webhook integration).

  1. Go to Contact Points (cmd k -> contact).
  2. Find the keep-grafana-webhook-integration:
  1. Click on the View contact point:
  1. Click on Test:
  1. Go to Keep – you should see an alert from Grafana!

Alternative Validation Methods (When Keep is Not Accessible Externally):

If Keep is not accessible externally and the webhook cannot be created, you can manually validate the Grafana provider setup using the following methods:

  1. Manual Test Alerts in Grafana:

    • Create a manual test alert in Grafana.
    • Set up a contact point within Grafana that would normally send alerts to Keep.
    • Trigger the alert and check Grafana’s logs for errors or confirmation that the alert was sent.
  2. Check Logs in Grafana:

    • Access Grafana’s log files or use the Explore feature to query logs related to the alerting mechanism.
    • Ensure there are no errors related to the webhook integration and that alerts are processed correctly.
  3. Verify Integration Status:

    • Navigate to the Alerting section in Grafana.
    • Confirm that the integration status shows as active or functioning.
    • Monitor any outbound HTTP requests to verify that Grafana is attempting to communicate with Keep.
  4. Network and Connectivity Check:

    • Use network monitoring tools to ensure Grafana can reach Keep or any alternative endpoint configured for alerts.

Topology Map is generated from the traces collect by Tempo. To get the Datasource UID, go to:

  1. Connections > Data Sources.
  2. Click the Prometheus instance which is scraping data from Tempo > Your URL is in the format https://host/connections/datasources/edit/<DATASOURCE_UID>
  3. Copy that DATASOURCE_UID and use it while installing the provider.

Webhook Integration Modifications

The webhook integration adds Keep as a contact point in the Grafana instance. This integration can be located under the “Contact Points” section. Keep also gains access to the following scopes:

  • alert.provisioning:read
  • alert.provisioning:write