
  • topic: str : The Kafka topic to produce/consume messages from.
  • message: str (optional) : The message to send to the Kafka topic when producing (not required for consuming).
  • action: str : The action to perform (produce or consume).


  • result: The result of the action. If consuming, this will return the message(s) from the Kafka topic.

Authentication Parameters

  • kafka_broker: The URL of the Kafka broker (e.g., localhost:9092 or the broker’s public URL).
  • kafka_client_id: The client ID to authenticate the Kafka producer/consumer.
  • kafka_security_protocol: (Optional) Security protocol for Kafka (e.g., PLAINTEXT, SSL, SASL_SSL).
  • kafka_sasl_mechanism: (Optional) SASL mechanism for authentication (e.g., PLAIN, SCRAM-SHA-256).
  • kafka_username & kafka_password: (Optional) Username and password for SASL authentication if required.

Connecting with the Provider

  1. Set up a Kafka broker (or use an existing one) and make sure it is accessible.
  2. Get the broker URL (e.g., localhost:9092 or a remote Kafka service URL).
  3. (Optional) If using secure communication, provide the security protocol, SASL mechanism, username, and password.
  4. Configure the provider with these parameters.

Example of usage

  id: kafka-example
  description: Kafka example
    - type: manual
    - name: kafka-produce
        type: kafka
        config: "{{ providers.kafkatest }}"
          topic: "example-topic"
          action: "produce"
          message: "Hello, Kafka!"

    - name: kafka-consume
        type: kafka
        config: "{{ providers.kafkatest }}"
          topic: "example-topic"
          action: "consume"
## Usefull Links
-[Kafka Clients Documentation](