For this integration, you’ll need to create a Zoom Application - for more details read

The record_meeting parameter won’t work with Zoom’s basic plan. With basic plan, you’ll be able to connect to the meeting and enable the “recording” manually.


  • topic: str: The title or subject of the Zoom meeting.
  • start_time(Optional): datetime : When the meeting should start. If None, creates an instant meeting.
  • duration(Optional): int = 60: Length of the meeting in minutes.
  • timezone(Optional): str = “UTC”: The timezone for the meeting time (e.g., “America/New_York”, “UTC”).
  • record_meeting(Optional): bool = False: Whether to automatically record the meeting when it starts.
  • host_email(Optional): str = None: Email address of the meeting host. If None, uses the authenticated user.

Authentication Parameters

  • account_id: str: The Zoom Account ID from your Server-to-Server OAuth app. Required for authentication.
  • client_id: str: The OAuth Client ID from your Server-to-Server OAuth app. Required for obtaining access tokens.
  • client_secret: str: The OAuth Client Secret from your Server-to-Server OAuth app. Required for obtaining access tokens.

Connecting with the Provider

Create an Application

Keep the credentials:

Grant Scopes

Activate the app

(Optional) Make sure cloud recording is set on your account

Workflow Example - sending zoom meeting in a slack message

  id: zoom-example
  description: zoom-example
    - type: manual
    - name: create-zoom-meeting
        type: zoom
        config: "{{ providers.zoom }}"
          topic: "War room - {{ }}"
          record_meeting: true
    - name: send-slack-alert
        config: "{{ providers.slack }}"
        type: slack
            - text:
                emoji: true
                text: "{{}}"
                type: plain_text
              type: header
            - elements:
                - action_id: actionId-0
                    emoji: true
                    text: "Join Warroom [Zoom]"
                    type: plain_text
                  type: button
                  url: "{{ steps.create-zoom-meeting.results.join_url }}"
              type: actions
          message: ""