Supported Providers
PostgreSQL Provider is a provider used to query POSTGRES databases
This provider requires authentication.
- username: Postgres username (required: True, sensitive: False)
- password: Postgres password (required: True, sensitive: True)
- host: Postgres hostname (required: True, sensitive: False)
- database: Postgres database name (required: False, sensitive: False)
- port: Postgres port (required: False, sensitive: False)
In workflows
This provider can be used in workflows.
As “step” to query data, example:
As “action” to make changes or update data, example:
Check the following workflow example:
Connecting with the Provider
In order to connect to the Postgres database, you will need to create a new user with the required permissions. Here’s how you can do this:
- Connect to the Postgresql server as a user with sufficient privileges to create a new user.
- Run the following command to create a new user:
; - Run the following command to create a database:
CREATE DATABASE '<yourdbname>';
; - Grant the necessary permissions to the new user by running the following command:
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON <database>.* TO '<username>'