
  • query (required): AQL to execute
  • dataset (required): Dataset to query
  • organization_id (optional): Override the given organization id from configuration
  • nocache (optional): Whether to cache the response or not
  • startTime (optional): Start time, defaults to UTC now in ISO format.
  • endTime (optional): End time, defaults to UTC now in ISO format.


Axiom does not currently support the notify function.

Authentication Parameters

The Axiom Provider uses API token authentication. You need to provide the following authentication parameters to connect to Axiom:

  • api_token (required): Your Axiom API token.
  • organization_id (optional): The organization ID to access datasets in.

Connecting with the Provider

To connect to Axiom, you need to create an API token from your Axiom account. Follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your Axiom account.
  2. Go to the API Access page under the Settings menu.
  3. Click the Create Token button and enter a name for the token.
  4. Copy the token value and keep it safe.
  5. Add the token value to the authentication section in the Axiom Provider configuration.

To access datasets, you need to provide the organization ID. You can find your organization ID in the URL of the Axiom web app. For example, if your Axiom URL is, then your organization ID is 1234.


  • This provider supports a limited set of features provided by the Axiom API.
  • The startTime and endTime parameters use ISO-8601 format.
  • The query function returns the response in JSON format from the Axiom API.

Webhook Integration

  1. In Axiom, go to the Monitors tab in the Axiom dashboad.
  1. Click on Notifiers in the left sidebar and create a new notifier.
  1. Give it a name and select Custom Webhook as kind of notifier. Enter the webhook url as
  1. Follow the below steps to create a new API key in Keep.

  2. Go to Keep dashboard and click on the profile icon in the botton left corner and click Settings.

  1. Select Users and Access tab and then select API Keys tab and create a new API key.
  1. Give name and select the role as webhook and click on Create API Key.
  1. Copy the API key.
  1. Add a new header with key as X-API-KEY and create a new API key in Keep and paste it as the value and save the webhook.
  1. Go to Monitors tab and click on the Monitors in the left sidebar and create a new monitor.
  1. Create a new monitor and select the notifier created in the previous step as per your requirement. Refer Axiom Monitors to create a new monitor.
  1. Save the monitor. Now, you will receive the alerts in Keep.