
  • action (required): Determines the which action to perform (rollout_restart, list_pods).
  • kind (required): Kind of the object to perform rollout restart action.
  • object_name (required): Name of the object to perform rollout restart action.
  • namespace (required): Namespace of the object to perform rollout restart or list pods action.
  • labels (optional): Labels to filter the pods while performing list pods action and also filters before performing rollout restart.


  • message: Message for the action performed.

Authentication Parameters

This provider offers you to authenticate with Openshift using: api_server, token and insecure.

  • api_server (required): The api server url of your Kubernetes cluster.
  • token (required): The token of your service account to authenticate with Kubernetes.
  • insecure (optional): If you want to skip the certificate verification, set this to True (default: True).

Connecting with the Provider

To connect to Kubernetes, follow below steps:

  1. Create a service account on Kubernetes.
  2. Create role/clusterrole and bind to service account using rolebinding/clusterrolebinding.
  3. Get the token of service account.


  • This provider allows you to interact with Kubernetes to perform rollout restart or pods listing actions.