
This provider requires authentication.

  • api_key: X.AI Grok API Key (required: True, sensitive: True)

In workflows

This provider can be used in workflows.

As “step” to query data, example:

    - name: Query grok
      provider: grok
      config: "{{ provider.my_provider_name }}"
        prompt: {value}  
        model: {value}  
        max_tokens: {value}  
        structured_output_format: {value}  

If you need workflow examples with this provider, please raise a GitHub issue.

Connecting with the Provider

To connect to Grok, you’ll need to obtain an API Key:

  1. Subscribe to Grok on X.AI platform.
  2. Navigate to the API section in your X.AI account settings.
  3. Generate a new API key for Keep.

Use the generated API key in the authentication section of your Grok Provider configuration.