Authentication Parameters

The Asana provider requires the following authentication parameters:

  • Personal Access Token: The personal access token for the Asana account. This is required for the Asana provider.

Connecting with the Provider

  1. Go to Asana
  1. Click on Create New Personal Access Token.
  1. Give it a name and click on Create.

  2. Copy the generated token. This will be used as the Personal Access Token in the provider settings.

Create Task

The Asana provider supports creating tasks in Asana.

  • name (str) - The name of the task.
  • projects (list) - The projects to which the task belongs.

Apart from the above parameters, you can also provide few other parameters. Refer to the Asana API documentation for more details.

Update Task

The Asana provider supports updating tasks in Asana.

  • task_id (str) - The task ID.

Apart from the above parameters, you can also provide few other parameters. Refer to the Asana API documentation for more details.

Example Workflows

Refer the below example workflows for more details: