QuickChart Provider


The QuickChart provider allows for the generation of two types of charts based on alert data within Keep’s platform:

  1. A line chart that shows the trend of a specific fingerprint alert over time.
  2. A radial gauge chart displaying the total number of alerts Keep received for this fingerprint.

These charts can be used in various reports, dashboards, or alert summaries to provide visual insights into alert activity and trends.


  • fingerprint: The unique identifier of the alert whose trend you want to visualize. This is required.
  • status: (Optional) The status of alerts to filter by (e.g., firing, resolved). Defaults to all statuses.
  • chartConfig: (Optional) Custom chart configuration settings in JSON format. Default settings will be used if not provided.


The output is a JSON object that includes URLs to the generated chart images:

  • chart_url: URL of the trend chart image.
  • counter_url: URL of the total alerts gauge chart image.

Authentication Parameters

  • api_key: (Optional) QuickChart API Key. The provider can be used without an API key, but for more advanced usage, such as generating more complex charts or handling higher request volumes, an API key is recommended.

Connecting with the Provider

Using QuickChart without an API Key

The QuickChart provider can generate charts without the need for an API key. However, this usage is limited to basic functionality and lower request limits.

Using QuickChart with an API Key

To unlock more advanced features and higher usage limits, you can use a QuickChart API key. Here’s how to obtain one:

  1. Visit QuickChart.
  2. Sign up for a free account to get started.
  3. Navigate to your account settings to find your API key.

Once you have your API key, add it to the provider configuration in Keep.


This provider is designed to offer flexible chart generation capabilities within Keep, enhancing how you visualize alert data and trends. It is ideal for users who want to quickly integrate visual representations of alert activity into their workflows.